The greatest challenge is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Face To Face | Carl Gustav Jung (1959) HQ


Face To Face  |  Carl Gustav Jung (1959) HQ

John Freeman interviews Professor Jung at his home in Switzerland.

(Theme music: excerpt from Les Francs-Juges by Berlioz)

There is a three hour interview done in 1957 by Dr. Richard Evans, released in a 77 minute version as "Jung on Film".

BUT the complete three hours was available as a DVD-Rom : "Great minds of the 20th century : Dr. Carl Jung", by Penn State Media Sales.

Out of print. Penn State no longer holds the rights. These libraries have it: 1. Dun Laoghaire Institute Art Design and Technology, Dublin Ireland. 2. University of Scranton, Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Memorial Library, Scranton, PA. 3. North Hennepin Community College Library, Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 United States. Content: Film no --6: Fundamental concepts / Personality organization Film no --7: Motivation ; Meetings with Einstein, Rorschach, Toynbee ; Psychosomatic medicine ; Tranquilizers Film no --8: Summary and historical development of major ideas. Is someone able to make a copy or alternatively post the 3 hours directly to youtube? (Though there could be copyright issues for what should be educational material)