The greatest challenge is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The WM Freelance Writers Connection: 15 Reasons Why Writers Need a Good Night's Sleep

The WM Freelance Writers Connection: 15 Reasons Why Writers Need a Good Night's Sleep: "By Pam Houghton I watched the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion, Part 1 last night. (I'm writing this on Friday, a day ahead of my ..."

In my dead tired state, let me see if I can muster up a few reasons why sleep is an absolute requirement in order to fulfill my responsibilities as a writer. And a human.

1. So I can sit up straight at the computer.
2. Less crabby with kids (even though mine are teens and I really have no reason to be crabby).
3. Don't hate deadlines.
4. More likely to wear clothes. Instead of sweats I will return to bed in.
5. Don't drink 12 cups of coffee to stay alert.
6. Remember to make the bed.
7. And open the blinds.
8. It doesn't take two hours to edit something that might normally take 15 minutes.
9. May change underwear before noon.
10. More likely to shower.
11. Happy when I receive e-mail.
12. Don't blank out when writing blog posts.
13. Less likely to watch DVR'd version of 30 Rock when I should be writing.
14. Ditto really stupid daytime talk shows.
15. Don't look at DVR and wonder how it got there. Or how it works.