The greatest challenge is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What can you do to accomplish more of what you want to do?

Easy steps:

Choose the easiest place to start

Organize your workspace to be free of clutter and havetools and equipment close at hand.

Work from your to-do list

Tackle the more difficult tasks during your prime time which is when you have the most energy..

Be realistic about what you can do and the time it will take to complete a project
The more realistic you become, the less likely you'll be to procrastinate.

Use the minutes available to you by knowing your purpose and setting priorities for the use of your valuable time.

Remember that even five minutes is enough time to get something done. Scrap unneeded paper or read mail. Make a phone call to arrange appointments.

Set and meet small goals to stay motivated. When the entire project is completed, celebrate.  Look for small victories, base hits, take careful small steps to gain confidence in your skills.

Create more time by having clear priorities and arranging your schedule to maximize the use of your time.

Use your knowledge, experience and training to complete tasks.  Try to get things done with your current resources before looking upnew information or seeking help.  Know can do.

Get started  Action is 

The true purpose of all human endeavor is play so be a Workafrolic:
  • have passion
  • work intensely
  • focus
  • push yourself
  • sere
  • ideas
  • improve 
  • persist