The greatest challenge is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How To Become Slightly Happier

Oliver Burkeman: How to Become Slightly Happier from The RSA on

 Here is the most powerful self-help advice I've ever heard:

"If you let go a little, you will get a little peace.
"If you let go a lot, you will get a lot of peace.
"If you let go completely . . . then all of your struggles with this world
will have come to an end,"
-- Ajahn Chah, Thai forest monk.

 Complete video at:

Self-help skeptic and Guardian columnist Oliver Burkeman shares a few forms of self-help that may actually work. He advocates meditation, keeping open to new experiences, and setting small achievable goals as ways to lead a slightly happier life.


How do you solve the problem of human happiness and fulfillment?

It is a subject that has occupied some of history's greatest thinkers, from Aristotle to Paul McKenna. But how do we sort the good ideas from the bad ones? Are there any hard and fast rules when it comes to happiness, and should we trust anyone who claims to know the secret?

In the last five years journalist Oliver Burkeman has travelled to some of the strangest corners of the "happiness industry" in an attempt to find out, and visits the RSA in bleak mid-January to present his findings. From stress, procrastination and insomnia, to laughter, creativity and wealth, he gives us the lowdown on how to become slightly happier. - The RSA

Oliver Burkeman is a feature writer for the Guardian. He is a winner of the Foreign Press Association's Young Journalist of the Year award, and has been shortlisted for the Orwell Prize. He writes a popular weekly column on psychology, "This Column Will Change Your Life," and has reported from London, Washington, and New York.

How do you solve the problem of human happiness and fulfillment?
In the last five years journalist Oliver Burkeman has travelled to some of the strangest corners of the "happiness industry" in an attempt to find out, and visits the RSA in bleak mid-January to present his findings. From stress, procrastination and insomnia, to laughter, creativity and wealth, he gives us the lowdown on how to become slightly happier.
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    The RSA: meeting 21st century challenges by showcasing ideas, undertaking innovative research and building civic capacity around the world.
    The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce): an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today's social challenges. Through its ideas, research and 27,000-strong Fellowship it seeks to understand and enhance human capability so we can close the gap between today's reality and people's hopes for a better world.
    In the light of new challenges and opportunities for the human race our purpose is to develop and promote new ways of thinking about human fulfilment and social progress which speaks directly to our strapline - 21st century enlightenment.