The greatest challenge is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TED Blog

TED Blog

ebruary 2012

State of the X: Stats on TEDx and TEDxTalks in January

The new feature “State of the X,” on the TEDx Tumblr, runs the numbers on TEDx and the great video coming from these worldwide independently produced events.

To start — how many TEDx events happened in the past month?

TEDx events by the numbers: January

  • 77 TEDx events happened around the world
  • 67 cities hosted one or more TEDx events
  • 29 countries hosted one or more TEDx events

TEDx by the numbers: All time

  • 3190 TEDx events have happened around the world
  • 800 cities around the world have hosted one or more TEDx event
  • 126 countries have hosted one or more TEDx events

One of the things we love about TEDx, here at the TED Blog, is how much astonishing video comes in from around the world. Brené Brown, Simon Sinek, some of our favorite TEDTalks were recorded at independent TEDx events, and we’re always scanning for more. Check out these stats:

TEDxTalks by the numbers: January

  • 785 new talks added to the TEDxTalks library
  • 3.5 million views of the TEDxTalks YouTube channel and the TEDxTalks website
  • 22 talks were featured on (twice as many as in December, our previous record month)
  • 4.2 million views of the TEDxTalks on

TEDxTalks by the numbers: All Time

  • 12,900 TEDxTalks
  • 27.6 million views of the TEDxTalks on the YouTube channel and the TEDxTalks website
  • 122 talks featured on
  • 45.8 million views of the TEDxTalks on

The huge number of talks in our library can be overwhelming but if you focus on just a few, you can uncover surprising connections. Here are two that were featured on in January: