The greatest challenge is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Pursuit Of Happiness

“We are on strike, we, the men of the mind.
We are on strike against self-immolation. 
We are on strike against the creed of unearned rewards and unrewarded duties. We are on strike against the dogma that the pursuit of one's happiness is evil. We are on strike against the doctrine that life is guilt.
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

“A man wants to earn money in order to be happy, and his whole effort and the best of a life are devoted to the earning of that money. Happiness is forgotten; the means are taken for the end.”
Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays 

“In pursuit of happiness, smart people often end up dumbing down themselves.”
Erol Ozan

“Learn to say no to demands, requests, invitations, and activities that leave you with no time for yourself. Until I learned to say no, and mean it, I was always overloaded by stress. You may feel guilty and selfish at first for guarding your down- time, but you’ll soon find that you are a much nicer, more present, more productive person in each instance you do choose to say yes.”
Holly Mosier

“Happiness is the most tired word in any language.”
Erol Ozan


“Pursuing happiness, and I did, and I still do, is not at all the same as being happy--which I think is fleeting, dependent on circumstances...If the sun is shining, stand in it---yes, yes, yes. Happy times are great, but happy times pass--they have to because time passes. The pursuit of happiness is more elusive; it is life-long, and it is not goal-centered. 

What you are pursuing is meaning--- a meaningful life. There's the hap-- the fate, the draw that is yours, and it isn't fixed, but changing the course of the stream, or dealing new cards, whatever metaphor you want to use---that's going to take a lot of energy. There are times when it will go so wrong that you will barely be alive, and times when you realise that being barely alive, on your own terms, is better than living a bloated half-life on someone else's terms. The pursuit isn't all or nothing--- it's all AND nothing.”
Jeanette Winterson

“The crowning fortune of a man is to be born to some pursuit which finds him employment and happiness, whether it be to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals, or statues, or songs.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I'm not in pursuit of happiness, I'm happiness in pursuit; ready to happen everywhere I go.”
Bernard Kelvin Clive

“Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of production and trade...”
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged   

It is the governing character of these principles (laws), such as humility, the Golden Rule, and the Ten Commandments, that leads to success. 

This is the sure foundation upon which man’s right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” rests. 

Called “virtue” by America’s Founding Fathers, the impartial and divine element frees man to do what is right. 

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Cor. 3:17).” 

David A. Norris, Restoring Education: Central to American Greatness Fifteen Principles That Liberated Mankind from the Politics of Tyranny