The greatest challenge is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.

Friday, April 26, 2019

How to manage your Moods

Happiness is first a choice but it also takes persistence to maintain.

Everyone deserves happiness, however, you must work to gain self - knowledge, and  self - awareness.

Decide that the goal of living is happiness.  

If circumstances can’t be changed,  change your perspective, look for the silver lining in the negative.

Intuition - use discomfort to guide you away from negative situations.

Have a self-image of being happy so that if  an event or situation arises that brings on negative emotions, you can revert to your self-image. 

Build a Strong Support System to reach out to for help when you can’t figure out a problem.  Seek the wisdom of your support system provides.

Guard against Negativity

We live in a society that bombards us with what went wrong causing us to fret about what could go wrong.

If happiness is your end goal, then examine what is bringing you down. Know what triggers your negative moods, and do what it takes to avoid these influences.

What are your triggers?  How can you avoid the negativity in your environment? 

It’s impossible to be happy following an undesirable path.

Know When to Say “No” ....

Happy people can quickly sense when something is off with themselves or others. They are very intuitive to happiness levels. When something isn’t quite right, they are the first ones to notice.

Being able to evaluate happiness means that you can identify when negativity is lingering around for too long.

We all have bad days; however, the happy person evaluates often and quickly intervenes.

In other words, happy people frequently evaluate their state and quicklyly change when their pessimism is overshadowing their joy.

 Inspire Other People 

What we think about literally consumes our life and is displayed in our work, relationships, and attitude.

  Never Sweat the Small Stuff

Roll with the punches.  

Annoying things are inevitable, they are a part of life –  car troubles, kids will make mistakes, people will be late, and dinner might burn

If it’s not anything seriously affecting your life, then they don’t give energy to it.

11. No need to be Right all the time

When you live your life aligned with your belief system, there is no need to explain yourself to others.

Differences in opinions are inevitable,

Energy is saved, arguments are diminished, and credibility/respect are gained when we live by what we believe.


Smiling has been proven to boost your immune system and to decrease your stress levels. 

Better yet, smiling is contagious. When you engage in a quick smile, you are likely to brighten someone else’s day.

Live Life in the Present Moment.

When we are genuinely happy, we are living for the moment.

Let go of the past, enjoy the present, and look forward to the future.

Decide what makes you happy and what gets you excited. 

If you are engaging in something that isn’t satisfying, then stop doing it.


[1] ^ Harvard Business Review: The Science Behind the Smile