The greatest challenge is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Simon Sinek: What has the coronavirus pandemic taught us about ourselves and our relationships?

Simon Sinek: How to discover your "why" in difficult times |

What has the coronavirus pandemic taught us about ourselves and our relationships?

In a deeply personal and wide-ranging conversation, leadership expert Simon Sinek shares his own experience caring for his mental health as the world shut down.

He discusses why we need to nurture friendships (in both good times and bad), explains why anyone can be a leader -- and reveals the secret to discovering your "why" in life.

(This virtual conversation, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson, was part of an exclusive

TED Membership event. Visit
to become a TED Member.) 0:00 Intro 0:41 The impact of collective pandemic trauma 03:33 How to strengthen your relationships 06:21 Healing by helping others 11:06 An exercise to find your “why” 13:24 The best way to show up for loved ones 14:36 The true definition of leadership